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Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> Sales >> Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO

Message started by kevind on 10/05/06 at 12:13:47

Title: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 10/05/06 at 12:13:47

Since updating, when we view an EDI Order, the First Line
of the description does not display in Display Lines.  It is there
because if you just convert to a SO (using DE-P-D), they show up
in the Sales order.

If you convert a Sales order from DE-P-C, it still chaines to the old
Convert program (bkedd) which errors out.

The new ISEDID program works great!

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 10/11/06 at 10:55:03

Just discovered that the lines that show up blank on
the 'Display Lines' screen have line numbers on them.

If you delete the line number and press enter through
the rest of the record, then they show up on the
'Display Lines' screen.

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 10/12/06 at 13:43:19

Thank for the additional info kevin    ;D

I have discovered what is causing the lines to show up
blank in EDIT EDI Orders.

Line numbers are automatically assigned when orders imported.

The Line Number field in BKEDIL is a 3 character field.

A line number of '1' is encoded in hex as 31 00 20.
(Notice the NULL 00 in the middle of the field)
When you change the line number, or enter through a
line in the EDIT EDI order program, it changes the 3
byte line number encoding to 31 20 20.

If you directly edit the BKEDIL file with a file editor, and
change the 00 to a 20, then it also fixes it.

A null in the middle of the field is causing the EDIT EDI Orders and SO-A to not show the line when the
'Display Lines' button is clicked.

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 11/13/06 at 08:16:25

Have you heard from anyone else that can confirm your observations?

Just wondering.   ;)

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 01/12/07 at 13:20:17

It looks like you are the only person that is using the EDI import.

Good luck to ya!

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by NovaZyg on 01/12/07 at 17:25:38

LOL   ;D


 Let me take a look, sounds like a binary Zero in the import. If that is the case then I can fix it.  And no you are not alone in using EDI import, but you are, as it seems, the first to be using it with auto line numbers turned on.

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 01/15/07 at 09:58:04

Where is that option? ... I don't knowingly have it turned on.
We do not want lines numbered.

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by gtladmin on 01/15/07 at 15:22:27


Nice conversation you've been having. ::) We use the add-on product and have not been having a problem (to my knowledge) with the line numbers issue.  Sorry!


Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by NovaZyg on 01/16/07 at 11:47:33


 It seems that the EDI import, ISEDIB (make sure your menu is calling this program) had an issue with the numbering of lines, and it is not an option, it just does it due to CANDOEDI that this supports.  I have found the code that was putting it in and it looks like that was the problem, it was only populating the first position of an alpha 3 space that left room for Bin Zeros to get in.. And the program has a very bad reaction to Bin Zeros..

This is now fixed and will be in our next post.

Title: Re: Viewing EDI Line Items and converting to SO
Post by kevind on 01/16/07 at 13:27:11

It is calling ISEDIB.

I just found out that to work around this, we have to go into every order
that we import, and press return through every line item!!!!

Could you please email me the new ISEDIB so that I could check it,
and verify that this is the only problem??

Thank You

Did you also fix DE-P-C (BKEDC) so that it chains to the correct convert program?  (See first message of this thread)

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