ISTech Support Forum
Evo-ERP and DBA Classic >> Suggestions for Updates >> Hourglass or some other wait indicator

Message started by awaretech on 08/04/09 at 11:52:26

Title: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by awaretech on 08/04/09 at 11:52:26

A couple of users have asked about a visual aid that indicates to them that the system is working, so they don't inadvertently interrupt something that's in process.  A lot of times, if you try to click a button before it's time to proceed, Evo throws an error.  It was a little easier to tell in DBA, because you could see numbers flickering on the screen.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by cathyh on 08/05/09 at 07:47:07

I think this would be very helpful!

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by RPCAdmin on 08/05/09 at 07:54:06

I like the idea of a text icon that says "I'M THINKING"   :D

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by Vman on 08/05/09 at 13:22:54

I have actually hit the EXIT button on the Enter Workorder screen before EVO had finished processing and ended up with a partial WO BOM.  This would be a good idea.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by deburr on 08/07/09 at 09:58:14

We run into this quite often and like Missy says, some users hit a button, thinking nothing is happening or the system is locked up and it causes more problems. Something like "Please wait... system processing" would be great.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by Dave Miller on 08/07/09 at 10:01:59

This would save a lot of crashes because of our impatience!

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by Lynn_Pantic on 08/08/09 at 19:23:50

Suggestions noted.  I agree, it is always good to have some kind of "I'm Thinking" indicator.  Of course, even Microsoft has the hourglass that can end up "Not Responding"...  An indicator with some kind of percent complete status so you can see that progress is being made is always best.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by RPCAdmin on 08/10/09 at 04:10:06

Probably the best suggestion yet.  Even an hourglass or other icon can get ignored by a user if they think is it taking longer than they want.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by Lynn_Pantic on 08/10/09 at 12:28:13

unfortunately, after talking to Allen, some of the functions don't have a way to indicate progress.  we will do what we can.

Title: Re: Hourglass or some other wait indicator
Post by gtladmin on 11/02/09 at 09:23:33

This is really something my users need - they are frequently assuming nothing is happening because there's no obvious progress indicator for them, and thus assume Evo is hung and CTRL-ALT-DEL out of it. When I sit with them and show them it is doing something and prompt them to give it a little more time, then they see I was right, however they are quick to point out it's not their fault, they can't tell (and they have zero patience to wait, unfortunately).  This tends to corrupt my Pervasive NLM over time, a huge issue for us.  It is true that if they would purge and archive, the wait would be far less time. And that I am working on getting them to do.  In the meantime, this is a huge issue nonetheless. I can't be the only company with end users like ours.


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